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All the Area Bike Trails


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Dig the Dunes fans, you asked about parks and trails to ride bikes locally and we heard you.

We have compiled a list of trails from the paved 10-mile long Prairie Duneland Trail, which stretches from Chesterton to Hobart and is popular with cyclists, runners, and walkers alike, the 9-mile crushed stone Calumet Trail, and the narrow and winding mountain bike dirt trails of Potato Creek State Park and Soldiers Memorial Park.

Below you will find over 20 local spots to take a leisurely ride or, if you are brave and craving a little adventure, mountain bike. A few locations have both paved roads and mountain bike paths along with hiking and other activities. Please note, some of the parks do have seasonal entry fees and hours so be sure to check their website before heading out. If we missed any trails, please let us know! We would love to check them out and add them to the list.

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