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Meet your Neighbors: Holly Jackson

Meet Holly Jackson! Holly is a local artist with a gallery in downtown Chesterton. She is a painter in acrylic, oil and other mediums and has been painting and exhibiting for 30 years. Her gallery is a hothouse of paintings inspired by the local landscapes of the Indiana Dunes and Lake Michigan. She works in a studio attached to a gallery where often someone can walk in and view her work in progress. Subject matter of abstract, dunes, lake and florals all demonstrate the strong influence from nature. With boldness and intuitive impulse, her work attracts an array of patrons and collectors through this passionate approach .

What brought you to the dunes? I was born here but left at age 5, returning to visit relatives, the lake and towns for years. I finally decided to make a permanent home near the dunes, as visiting always felt magical.

How long have you lived here? 21 years

What is your favorite thing to do in the area? Anything at the beach or dunes.

Tell us a secret about the dunes It’s about a burial in Furnessville but too secret to disclose and I’m related to them!

Give us your top three “hidden treasures” (restaurant, shop, trail, beach, event…really anything!) a. Not at all hidden but might be cloudy at times, go visit the beach for sunset to reset your clock. b. Natures Cupboard health food store for anything and everything. c. Parks and trails, any, just go!

What would you like to teach people about the dunes? I think it would be nice to share the artist Frank Dudley’s work with more people. It is so beautiful and captures the lake, dunes and woods in all of its glory and magic.

Anything else? Please stop by my gallery at 103 2nd Street in Chesterton. You can find anything from bookmarks, to small take home pieces to large paintings! I also have to mention a few more of my favorite places…

Third Coast Spice Cafe for lots of goodness. Black bean burgers with fries at Octave Grill of course. Westchester Public Library – is just cool for anyone.


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