Dig the Dunes Trail Stop is gearing up for their second annual “Winter Celebration”. It’s time to bundle up and head to the beach to show your love for the dunes on Saturday, February 12. View the shelf ice, walk the trails in the snow and then head inside (or stay outside by the fire) to enjoy food, drinks, live music and more.

Celebrate inside or out! The fireplace will be going and the heated room will be open.
The celebration will be from 12pm – 5:30 with Tim and Mike from Chicken Dolphin Band playing from 2-5pm. We will all watch the sun set over the dunes before closing up. Trail Stop will have a limited menu which will include chili, soups, mac & cheese, beer, wine & hot chocolate and a variety of other things to eat and drink. Free ice pops will be available for the kids.
Get ready to grab some more dunes gear. New hats will be available as well as the popular “Stop and Smell the Lupine” inspirational shirts, which are only released once a year.
Dig the Dunes Trail Stop is located right inside the National Park at 1000 Riverwalk Drive in Portage Indiana. Follow the facebook event here.
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