Take in the beauty and remember the good things at the end of each day.

Me and my “little” brother, James
It’s not very often that I get to see my brother (who lives in Maine), but last week we were both lucky enough to take a quick trip with our kids to my mom’s house in Longboat Key, Florida to spend a few days together. We don’t talk as often as we should, but when we do get together, I feel like no time has passed. Our conversations are very valuable to me, and I treasure them.
One afternoon, as we sat on the beach with a beer in our hand listening to the waves, feeling the sun on our skin and watching people walk the shore, we were able to have some time alone while “Nana” entertained the kids. We talked about our past, our lives now, and what we hope for the future. As a big sister, I tend to offer my advice a lot – whether it’s wanted or not, I’m not sure. I told him, “James, as someone who has lived a long life (and I’m allowed to say that with yet another birthday coming up this week!). I said, “James, always remember to take time out of each day to live in the moment. Don’t think about things you should have done, or worry about things ahead. Sit still, take it all in –whatever that beautiful moment may be – and appreciate it. Appreciate the sunshine, or the sound of a train, or Baylor (his 12 year old son) paying attention to you and taking your hand.”
Now, it’s much easier for me to give advice than to take my own — however, I have been concentrating on slowing down. My mind is always so full of things and thoughts. Even when I go for walks, often times my mind is racing with everything I need to do and and what I may have done right or wrong. I know that I need to relax, take a deep breath and just appreciate the beauty around me and the life I am living. During my walks, I now try to make a conscience effort to slow down, sit, listen to the sounds around me, take in the beauty and feel the moment. Even if it is just that — a moment.
And that’s what I did that afternoon. When our conversation came to a close, I let it stay quiet. I glanced at him, felt the sand on my feet, the salt air on my skin and let myself be so very happy ~ for just that moment.

My favorite spot along the bay. On my walk I spotted 1 manatee, 2 dolphins and quite a few peacocks!
Although this post is not so much about the dunes, I hope you enjoyed it. Please share if you did! Thank you all for reading and keep diggin’ those dunes!
~ Eve