The popular comedy show, Waves of Laughter, returns to Uptown Social (907 Franklin St.) in Michigan City, IN on November 11, 2023. Doors open at 7pm with the show starting promptly at 8.
This year's line up includes your host (and comedian), Colleen Brennan, headliner Paul Farahver, and featured performers AJ Leidig, Lindsay Porter, & Deanna Ortiz. You can view all the comedians bios, right here.
Private 2 top and 4 top tables are available as well as GA seating. There will be a full cash bar.
Waves of Laughter is produced by Dig the Dunes and Colleen Brennan and is now in it's 7th year (with a brief hiatus during the pandemic). Dig the Dunes founder, Eve Wierzbicki and Colleen were childhood friends and neighbors. They always loved putting on, promoting, and performing shows when they were kids and decided once they were adults they would share it with all with you.
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