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Trails & Beaches
Eve Landsman-Wierzbicki is the founder of Dig the Dunes. Here you can find her periodic writings about the dunes and why she loves them so much. Get her insights on some of the trails, places to go and fun that can be had right here in the dunes!!!!
10 Fun Facts Everyone Should Know About Our National Park.
Explore the Shore: Hagar Beach
Explore the Shore in St. Joe, Michigan.
The Secret Trail at Cowles Bog
Indiana Dunes State Park…or National Park? Take the Test!
The dangers of shelf ice and why you should enjoy the beauty from afar.
Five places to rent skis/snowshoes in the dunes
Our favorite trails…and why!
Trainers Take to the Trails: Trail 10 – Jessie Vargo
Four of our favorite beaches in the dunes
Bismarck Hill
Ten Ways to Keep our Beaches Clean!
A dog’s life…in the dunes. Places to take your pups!
Cowles Bog
Barker Woods Nature Preserve
Ambler Flatwoods
5 Thanksgiving Trails for which you should be thankful.
Flynn Woods Preserve
Robinson Woods Preserve
Glenwood Dunes