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Trails & Beaches
Eve Landsman-Wierzbicki is the founder of Dig the Dunes. Here you can find her periodic writings about the dunes and why she loves them so much. Get her insights on some of the trails, places to go and fun that can be had right here in the dunes!!!!
Plan your weekend itinerary with Dig the Dunes!
Ten Ways to Keep our Beaches Clean!
9 Things to do in the dunes AFTER work
Step Aboard the Emita II, right in Michigan City!
Dig the Dunes to now “dig” the mountains
Ten Fun Facts About Beach Glass
Ten things to do on a snow day.
A Spring Break Staycation in the Dunes
Trains, Trails and Ales: A day of fun in the dunes!
Ten Beautiful and Breathtaking Shelf Ice Photos
Steel Mills to Shifting Sands – Pat Wisniewski Digs the Dunes puts Michigan City on the map!
A guide to getting you through winter in the dunes!